North Lancashire Wildlife Group

(formerly North Lancashire Naturalists' Group)

Items you can Borrow

We have books, magazines and a variety of equipment available to borrow.


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The group has the following books available to loan. Cick on "Reserve" next to the book you want and our librarian will bring it to the next convenient meeting.

TitleAuthorPublisherDateISBNOn loan
Butterflies and Moths
The Millenium Atlas of Butterflies in Britain and Ireland 2001 Asher, Warren et al. O.U.P20010-19-850565-5Reserve
A Complete Guide to British Butterflies Brooks, Margaret & Knight, Charles Book Club Associates1982Yes
A Lepidopterist's Handbook Dickson, Richard Amateur Ent 0-900054-28 Reserve
Moths Ford E.B. Collins1967Reserve
Butterflies Ford, E.B. Collins new naturalists19730-00-213026-2Reserve
British Pyralid Moths Goater, Barry Harley Books0-946589-08-Reserve
A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Britain & Europe Higgins L.G. & Riley N.D. Collins19700-00-212028-3Reserve
Collins Butterflies of Britain and Europe Higgins, Lionel & Hargreaves, Brian Collins19830-00-219702-2Reserve
Colour I.D. Guide to Butterflies of the British Isles Howarth T.G. Viking19840-670-80355-3Reserve
Provisional Checklist of Lepidoptera of Lancashire Palmer S.M. 2002Reserve
Butterflies in Woodlands Robinson T.C. Forestry Commission0-11-710092-7Reserve
Observers book of Butterflies Stokoe W.J Fredereicke 0-7232-1519-Reserve
Pocket Guide to Butterflies Whalley , Paul Mitchell Beazley19810-85533-348-0Reserve
Butterflies of Britain and Europe Whalley, Paul Hamlyn Nature Guide 19790-600-55860-6Reserve
Insects and Spiders
Ladybird Identification Chart Reserve
Britains Spiders Bee L, Oxford G, Smith H Princetown978069116529Reserve
The Oxford Book of Insects (rep 1974) Burton, J Oxford Univ. Press19680-19-910005-5Reserve
Insects of Britain & Western Europe Chinery, Michael Collins19860-00-219137-7Reserve
Dragonflies New Naturalist Corbet P.S., Longfield C. & Moore N.W. Collins19600-00-219064-8Reserve
The Wasps Evans H.E. & West M.J. Eberhard David Charles19730-7153-6060-4Reserve
The Dragonflies of Great Britain and Ireland Hammond, Cyril O. Harley Books19830-946589-14-3Reserve
Woodlice of Britain & Ireland Hopkins, Stephen F.S.C.19911-85153-204-8Reserve
Insect Natural History Imms A.D. Bloomsbury Books19731-870630-39-4Reserve
How to Begin the Study of Plant Galls Ing, Bruce Countryside Pamplet1966-7Reserve
Dragonflies Kemp R. Worcestershire Conservation Trust1981Reserve
British Spiders Vol.3 Locket,Millidge&Merrett Ray Society19740-903874-02-4Reserve
Dragonflies New Naturalist Handbook 7 Miller, Peter L. Cambridge U.P.19870-521-31765-7Reserve
Insects of the World Remington, Jeanne E. Bantam Books1975Reserve
Scolioidea,Vespoidea,Sphecoidea,Hymenoptera,Aculeata Richards O.W. Royal Ent.Soc.1980Reserve
Key to the earthworms of the UK and ireland Sherlock, Emma AIDGAP978190881940Reserve
The wasp that brainwashed the caterpillar Simon, Matt Headline Pub0-85546275-2Reserve
Mosquitoes New Naturalist Handbook 14 Snow, Keith R. Richmond Publishing Co Ltd19800-85546-275-2Reserve
The World of the Wasp Spoczynska, Joy,O.I. Frederick Muller Ltd19750-584-10338-7Reserve
The Coleoptera of the Witherslack area of Cumbria Thomas, James R. A. Raven Ent & Reserve
The dragonflies of Lancashire & N. Merseyside White S. & Smith P.H. Lancashire & Cheshire Fauna Society2015Reserve
Reptiles & Amphibians of Britain & Europe Arnold E.W. & Burton J.A. Collins (Hardback)19780-00-219318-3Reserve
The vertebrates of Lancashire White S. (ed) Lancashire & Cheshire Fauna Society2017978-1-9997312-1-2Reserve
The Oxford Book of Wildflowers Ary S. & Gregory M. Oxford Univ. Press1960Reserve
Where the Wildflowers Grow Bersweden, Leif Hodder & Stoughton9781529349535Reserve
The Wildflowers of Britain & N.Europe Fitter R., Fitter, A., Blamey M Collins Paperback19740-00-219069-09Yes
Sedges of the British Isles Jermy, Chater & David BSBI19820-901158-05-4Reserve
Wild Flowers of Chalk & Limestone Lousley J.E. CollinsReserve
The Wild Garden (Illustrated Guide) Lys de Bray 19780-297-77480-8Reserve
The Flowering of Britain Mabey, Richard & Evans, Tony Arrow Books19820-09-928060-4Reserve
Trees & bushes in wood and hedgerow Methuen, Eyre & Lange, Johan Eyre Methuen0413-0160-5Reserve
New Atlas of the British & Irish Flora Preston C.D., Pearman D.A. & Dines T.D. Oxford Univ.Press20010-19-851067-5Reserve
The Pollination of Flowers Procter M. & Yeo P. Collins19730-00-213178-1Reserve
A visitor's guide to Woodland Trust woods Quarrie, Rachel Woodland truReserve
New Observer's book of wild flowers Rose, Francis Frederick Wa07232-1642-8Reserve
The Wildflower Key British Isles &N.W.Europe Rose, Francis 19810-7232-2419-6Reserve
The Lost Rainforests of Britain Shrubsole, Guy William Collins978-0-00-852795-2Yes
New Flora of the British Isles Stace, Clive 2nd ed. Cambridge U.P.19970-521-58933-5Reserve
Wild Orchids of Britain Summerhays V.S. Collins 19850-00-219086-9Reserve
The Secret Life of Trees Tudge, Colin Penguin Books20050-141-01293-5Yes
Mushrooms & Toadstools- A Field Guide Kibby, Geoffrey Oxford Univ. Press19790-19-286004-6Reserve
Mushrooms & Toadstools Lange,M & Bayard Hora,F Collins19650-00-219300-0Reserve
Introduction to Mycology Macdonald J.A. Butterworth Scientific Publications1951Reserve
Fungi of N.Europe No.1- Larger Fungi Nilsson, Sven & Persson, Olle Penguin Nature Guides1978Reserve
Fungi of N.Europe No.2 - Gill Fungi Nilsson, Sven & Persson, Olle Penguin Nature Guides1978Reserve
Entangled life Sheldrake, Merlin Bodley Head9781847925190Reserve
Sea & Shoreline
Pocket Guide to the Seashore Barrett J. & Yonge C.M. Collins1974Reserve
A Key to the Crabs & Crab-like Animals of British Inshore Waters Crothers, John & Marilyn F.S.C.1983Reserve
The Open Sea - The World of Plankton Hardy, Alistair New Naturalist1956Reserve
Seashore Guide Hayward, Peter & King, Simon BBC WildlifeReserve
A Field Guide to the British Brown Seaweeds (Phaeophyta) Hiscock, Sue F.S.C.1979Reserve
Freshwater Crayfish in Britain & Ireland Environment AgencyReserve
Managing Ponds for Wildlife English Nature19961-85716-215-3Reserve
Ponds & Streams Clegg, John T.P Crowood Press19891-85223-233-1Reserve
Freshwater Invertebrates Croft P.S. F.S.C.19861-85153-181-6Reserve
Life In Lakes & Rivers Macan T.T. & Worthington E.B. Collins1974Reserve
Birds of Prey - Habits and Habitats Andrews, John World distributors1979723508623Reserve
The Kingfisher Boag, David Shire Publications (Natural History Series)1986Reserve
The Oxford Book of Birds Campbell, Bruce & Watson, David O.U.P.1964Reserve
R.S.P.B. Reserves Visiting Chapman A. RSPB19870-903138-24-7Reserve
Bird watching Flegg, Jim Parragon075252436-4Reserve
A Field Guide to the Birds of Britain & Ireland Gooders, John Kingfisher19570-86272-143-1Reserve
A birdwatching guide to Menorca,Ibiza & Formentura Hearl, Graham Arlequin Paperback19961-900159-20-1Reserve
The Popular Handbook of British Birds Hollom P.A.D. Witherby (pub.1952)rep. 196985493-002-7Reserve
Birds By Character, The Field Guide to Jizz Identification Hume, Rob Papermac1990333490541Reserve
Birds Of The Norfolk Broads Jones R. Jarrold & Sons Ltd1977Reserve
Birds of lake, river, marsh and field Jonsson, Lars Penguin Book014063009-0Reserve
Pheasants, Partridges & Grouse Madge S. & McGowan P. Christopher Helm20020-7136-3966-0Reserve
A Field Guide to the Birds of Britain & Europe (4th. Ed.) Peterson, Mountford & Hollum Collins (Hardback)1961Reserve
Key to the Wildfowl of the World Scott, Peter Wildfowl TrustRep 1977Reserve
Owl Pellets - Identification of remains Yalden D.W. The Mammal Society1977Reserve
Lancashire and Cumbria
Geology of the Country Around Lancaster Brandon A et al. British geological Survey19980-11-884526-8Reserve
The Natural History of Walney Island Dean, Tim Faust Pub.0-948558-04-0Reserve
The Flora of Lancashire Greenwood, Eric Palatine Books2012Reserve
Flowering Plants & Ferns of Cumbria Halliday, G Univ.of Lanc.197801-901699-62-4Reserve
Lancashire - a journey into the wild Lamb, John Palatine Books, LWT201813:978-1-910837-14-6Reserve
Fungi of Gait Barrows N.N.R. Livermore P.D. & L.A. Nature Conservancy Council1987Reserve
Coastal Plants & Rust Fungi of the N.Lancs Coast Livermore L.A. & P.D. L.A.&P.D.Livermore1990Reserve
The Flowering Plants, Ferns & Rusts of the Lancaster Canal Livermore L.A. & P.D. L.A.&P.D.Livermore1989Reserve
Plants & Rust Fungi of the Dismantled Railway Lines in the Lancaster District Livermore L.A. & P.D. Reserve
Lancaster's Plant Life Livermore L.A. & P.D. 1991Reserve
The Flowering Plants and Ferns of North Lancashire Livermore L.A. & P.D. L.A. & P.D. Livermore0-9512644 0 0Reserve
Mosses and Liverworts of North Lancashire Wigginton, M.J. 19950901800-81-3Reserve
British wildlife Arlott,N , Fitter, R & Fitter, A HarperCollin185927092-1Reserve
The Countryside Detective Consultant Bellamy, David Yes
Conserving Bogs - The Management Handbook Brooks, Stuart & Stoneman, Rob The Stationery Office19970-11-495836Yes
A Nature Guide to Wales Chatfield, June E. Usborne Regional Guide1981Reserve
Nature Detective Falkus, Hugh Penguin19780-14-00.5438-3Reserve
Countryside Conservation Feltwell, John Whiteland Leisure.rep. 19891-85079-186-4Reserve
Other Minds, the octopus and the evolution of intelligent life Godfrey-Smith, Peter William Coll987000822629Reserve
The Delarna Journey Linnaeus C. & Casson A (ed) Gullers Forl978918823866Reserve
The Changing Scene - A Review of Natural History in the N.W. Shepley A.V. (ed) 1966Reserve
The big book of animals Spurgeon, Maureen (ed) Brown Watson0-7097-1636-2Reserve
Watching Wildlife Stephen, David Collins Hardback1963Reserve
Wildlife Britain - 1000 Sites Around Britain Strathers, Ruth (ed) Think Books2007978-1-84525-039-3Reserve
Focus on Nature Thompson, Gerald & Oxford Scientific Films Book Club Associates1981Reserve
Heathlands Webb, Nigel Collins New Naturalist000-219844-4Reserve
The invention of nature Wulf, Andrea John Murray1-84854-900-Reserve
Brochures & Journals
F.S.C. Guides (numerous) Reserve
Keer to Kent No 58 Autumn/Winter 2005 Arnside & Silverdale ANOB ; Landscape Trust2005Reserve
Local Nature Reserves Barker G. English Nature19991-85716-441-5Reserve