North Lancashire Wildlife Group

(formerly North Lancashire Naturalists' Group)

On the tree walk on the 11th September we came across this attached to a leaf. They are lacewing eggs, each on a stalk. Usually the eggs are separate but these are eggs of a lacewing belonging to the genus Nineta (probably flava or vittata), which bind the 'stems' together like this.

Words and Photograph Steve Garland

Meetings, field outings and workshops are listed below in date order. We also organise recording.

If you would like to receive email notifications of our events (including alterations, cancellations and extra events) and get priority on our occasional booked events, then become a member

Summer Programme

No knowledge or experience necessary. Everyone very welcome. Great photography opportunities. Binoculars can sometimes be useful. In case of doubtful weather do ring, to check in case of cancellation or postponement. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Dogs are not allowed. Suitable outdcoor clothing and footwear are strongly recommended. Most are easy walks but one or two may be more demanding — please enquire if you have any questions. Bring water, and a packed lunch for the all-day events, There is no charge but donations are always welcome.

Please check our website for any late details. For more information or in the case of doubtful weather do contact us (, 07361 380255). Meeting place given by GR - Grid Reference; PC - Postcode (nearby); w3w - what3words.

July 30 Tuesday 1:00 PM–3:00 PM Plants of the Saltmarsh, Conder Green

Meet at Conder Green Lancashire County Council car park. From Lancaster, turn right at the Stork pub and drive to the end. GR: SD456561; PC:_LA2_0AN; w3w: shunted.lower.dignify
Conder Green has a rare bit of saltmarsh not grazed by sheep or cattle and therefore we will be able to find a greater variety of plants (and perhaps some of the associated insects). We will not be walking far at all, but be prepared for mud.

August 6 Tuesday 1:00 PM–4:00 PM River Lune Meander, Arkholme

Meet at the end of Main St., Arkholme. GR: SD587718; PC: LA6 1AY; w3w: tangent.blazers.genius
A walk along hedgerow, by farmland and woodland, and along the river to pools where we will be looking for aquatic invertebrates (water stick insects and water measurers have been found here). We should see dragonflies, butterflies and riverside birds and if lucky, kingfishers.

August 22 Thursday 7:00 AM–10:30 AM Early Morning Rockpooling at Half Moon Bay

Meet at the Lancaster City Council car park, opposite the cafe, at Half Moon Bay. GR: SD408607; PC: LA3 2XY; w3w: lamp.insert.crispier
An early morning start to find undisturbed rock pools to explore for fish, prawns, shrimps, anemones, barnacles & more. Wellies recommended.

August 29 Thursday 10:30 AM–12:30 PM Pond Dipping at Fairfield Nature Reserve

Parking available on Aldcliffe Rd. Meet at entrance to Flora fields GR: SD470606 PC: LA1 5BE;
Looking at the flora and fauna of Flora Ponds of the nature reserve (or other ponds depending on water conditions at the time). Nets and other equipment will be provided. Strong footware or Wellingtons recommended.

September 15 Sunday– Tree Walk in Lancaster Cemetery

The walk will identify a number of specimens, describing any interesting characteristics, from the wide collection of mature evergreen and broadleaved trees, including native and exotic species. The walk is generally on good, level footpaths.
Booking required. We will use booking by Eventbrite to limit numbers on this popular event. Members will receive details by email a month before the event.

The next winter programme has not been finalised. Come back in a month or two.

Other Events

July 27 Saturday– Irish Sea Day

Half Moon Bay

Any wildlife- or conservation-related event can go here. Contact the webmaster at