North Lancashire Wildlife Group

(formerly North Lancashire Naturalists' Group)

On the tree walk on the 11th September we came across this attached to a leaf. They are lacewing eggs, each on a stalk. Usually the eggs are separate but these are eggs of a lacewing belonging to the genus Nineta (probably flava or vittata), which bind the 'stems' together like this.

Words and Photograph Steve Garland

Meetings, field outings and workshops are listed below in date order. We also organise recording.

If you would like to receive email notifications of our events (including alterations, cancellations and extra events) and get priority on our occasional booked events, then become a member

The next summer programme has not been finalised. Come back in a month or two.

Winter Programme

All indoor meetings are held on the second Friday of the month from September until March, from 7:30pm at the Church of the Ascension, Michaelson Avenue, Torrisholme, LA4 6RH. (the Hall is in Michaelson Avenue, first left off Lancaster Road between The Shrimp Roundabout and Torrisholme) There is a charge of £3 including light refreshments. There is no need to book for these talks. For more information, contact the Programme Secretary on 07361 380255.

November 8 Friday– From Flower Bees to Blood Bees

There are over 250 species of bees in this country, many found in Lancashire! Chloe Aldridge will introduce you to the array of lifestyles they exhibit: tiny dark bees that carry pollen in their crop; large yellow-spotted bees that \'card\' plant hairs like wool; golden-haired bees that nest in snail shells; cuckoo bees of all sizes, shapes and colours; familiar bees such as bumblebees, and less familiar bees... but all the time homing in on species you can hope to see in your garden or on walks.

December 13 Friday– Christmas Wildlife Quiz and Jacob\'s Join

Our Xmas social. Very easy-going Xmas Wildlife Quiz (mark your own answers) and photos of the year slideshows. Bring a contribution for the Jacob’s Join.
(free admission)

January 10 Friday– The Dam-builders

Join us for an evening exploring the fascinating ecology, intriguing anatomy and precarious status of Britain\'s wetland engineer - the Eurasian Beaver. Through a presentation of photography and film, Heather Devey, of Wild Intrigue, will share recent insights of this species which is undergoing gradual restoration in Britain, from her experience in England, Scotland and Europe.

February 14 Friday– Lancashire’s Neglected Flora

It\'s not all about flowers. There is more to botany than orchids, aliens and exotics! After his entertaining and informative talk for us last year, Mike Gosling, geologist and lichenologist, is back to tell us about mosses, lichens and ferns in order to explore the county’s rich flora of plants without flowers!

March 14 Friday– Incredible Swifts

Swifts delight us in summer with their swooping exhilarating flight, migrating thousands of miles to breed here. Hear about the incredible lifestyle of these iconic birds illustrated with video clips of their behaviour from their nests sites. Learn about their life on the wing, the threats they face, and why they are in such serious decline. But Tanya and Edmund Hoare of Sedbergh Community Swifts explain why swifts are birds that we CAN help! They will be bringing lots of exhibits to show.

Any wildlife- or conservation-related event can go here. Contact the webmaster at